Discover Hem & Villamässan

Here you will find everything that Hem & Villamässan has to offer you as a visitor!

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Independent counseling

Whatever project you’re planning, we know there are many factors to consider. Hem & Villamässan offers you as a visitor advice in a variety of areas – completely free of charge!

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Exhibitors of the highest quality

Hem & Villamässan gathers more companies and experts under the same roof than any other actor. Here you will meet our exhibitors in a larger context where the focus is on the areas of building new, renovating and smart home.

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Build Loveseat for 2 with Andreas Gamma

After last year’s sold-out success with the outdoor kitchens, we now present your new DIY project: Build your own Loveseat for 2 from wood to finished furniture at Hem & Villamässan 2024! To help you, you have celebrity carpenter Andreas Gamma from Channel 5.

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Children's activities

Bring the whole family to Hem & Villamässan! We have lots of children’s activities on site. Everything from bat house building to a quiz walk and face painting! The activities are completely free of charge, and no pre-registration is required to participate.

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Opening hours and ticket prices

Here you can find the opening hours and ticket prices for Hem & Villamässan 2024.

Our focus areas

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Smart home

Connected and energy smart. Smart products not only bring benefits in terms of comfort and simplicity, but there are also big savings to be made. Whether it’s protecting your home from heat and cold with a new heat pump or reducing your electricity costs by installing solar panels on the roof, Hem & Villamässan is the place for those who think sustainably and economically.

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Build new

At Hem & Villamässan, you will meet relevant manufacturers and suppliers. The area offers free counseling and a solid stage program that provides you with knowledge about everything you need to start a construction project – whether it’s building a new house, an extension or a stand-alone building on the plot.

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Get inspired by the latest trends and build on your idea bank for when it’s time to turn your renovation dreams into reality. Meet suppliers who can help you transform and improve your home with everything from windows and doors to roofs and floors, as well as kitchens, bathrooms and plumbing.