
We have a total of 2,000 parking spaces in our garage and in the open parking lots around Stockholmsmässan. In addition, we have 700 parking spaces on Älvsjö IP’s gravel pitches (only during major fairs) and another 300 or so spaces in our local area.

The easiest way to pay is with the EasyPark or Parkster payment apps.
The area code is clearly indicated at each parking area.
– In the garage it costs SEK 65/hour or SEK 170/day
– Outdoors it costs SEK 55/hour or SEK 150/day

In addition to the above fee, a transaction fee may also apply depending on the app and contract you have. Our payment machines also take cards.

Parking for people with a parking permit for the disabled
We have about 25 parking spaces reserved for people with a parking permit for the disabled. You can find these places in the garage at P1, outside the Scandic Talk hotel and at the eastern entrance. The parking permit also applies to other parking spaces.

Charge your electric car
We have 24 charging points for you who come with an electric car. These can be found in P2. More public charging points are available at Älvsjö idrottsplats infartsparkering, about 450 meters from Stockholmsmässan’s main entrance. Charging is free, you only pay the regular parking rate. The electricity used by Stockholm Parkering in its charging stations is marked with good environmental choices and comes from renewable sources.

Parking lots
Click here to get an overview of our parking lots.

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