Welcome to Stockholmsmässan’s press department

Here you can find Hem & Villamässans press releases, high-resolution images and logos, and press accreditation applications. During the fair, our Press Center at the fair is usually open. If you want to get in touch with us at Stockholmsmässan’s press office, email press@stockholmsmassan.se.

A warm welcome!

ronja 500 500px 1

Press Officer Hem & Villamässan

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Press releases

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Press photos

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Press center

Team Hem & Villa

Contact Team Hem & Villa

Anna Fjallstrom 500x500

Project manager

Anna Fjällström

Send email
+46 8 749 43 80

Victor Ackerheim 500x500

Operational Project Manager

Victor Ackerheim

Send email
+46 8 749 44 23

Ulrika Kohler 500x500

Project coordinator

Wilhelm Liundqvist 500x500

Marketing Coordinator

Wilhelm Lindqvist

Send email
+46 8 749 41 30